Archives for 2024

Florida Arbor Day at Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens - Jan. 19

Regular Monthly Meeting - Living on the Waterfront & Contrived Artichoke Flowers - Jan. 22

Rio Lindo members visited River Center Atala Butterfly Festival, Jupiter - Feb. 24

Regular Monthly Meeting - Citrus Fruit & Atala Butterfly & Making Fertilizer Sachets - Feb. 26

PSLBG Rose Garden Hard Prune - Port. St. Lucie - Feb. 28

"Junk-In-The-Trunk" Fundraiser at the Botanical Gardens - PSL - Mar. 2

U.S. Sugar "Raisin' Cane" Bus Tour - Clewiston - Mar. 25

100-Yr Anniv. Celebration, 98th Annual FFGC State Convention & Flower Show - April 9-12

Spring District X Meeting - "Oceans of Orchids", Palm City - April 18

Regular Monthly Meeting - Birds in Your Yard and Plant Swap - Apr. 22

Rose Garden at PSLBG, Port St. Lucie - May 25

Regular Monthly Meeting - Contrived Zinnias, Port St. Lucie - June 3

Special Meeting - Work on Butterflies for Dist. Mtg. - Port St. Lucie - June 24

Special Meeting - Work on Fascinators for Dist. Mtg. - Port St. Lucie - Aug 26

Regular Monthly Meeting - Yearbooks and Propagating Succulents, Port St. Lucie - Sept. 23

Rio Lindo Hosts District X Fall Meeting at Santa Lucia River Club, Port St. Lucie - Oct. 28
Received FFGC Ruby Certificate for 60 Years

Regular Monthly Meeting - Holiday Cacti, Port St. Lucie - Nov. 25

Ice ("Elf") Bus Trip, Gaylord Palms, Orlando (Kissimmee), FL - Dec. 10

*For any questions or changes, contact Darlene Enzian, Webmaster, 315-408-8443,